
保健品EFA,歐米茄3 6 9(EPA DHA)魚油-Carlson Labs, 超級DHA軟膠囊, 500 mg, 180粒床的世界

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  • Norwegian Fish Oil Concentrate
  • 500 mg of DHA
  • Freshness & Potency Purity Guaranteed
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Promotes Heart, Brain, Vision and Joint Health
  • 床的世界
  • Specializing in the Finest Norwegian Fish Oil Since 1982
  • An FDA Regulated Facility
DHA is a vital structural component of cell membranes in our brain and eyes. It supports healthy cell signaling.

Each Carlson Super DHA Gems soft gel contains 1000 mg (1 gram) of fish body oil concentrate from a special blend of Norwegian fish oils. Plus: 10 IU of Natural Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol) has been added, not only to protect the freshness of the oil, but to supply the body with the additional Vitamin E it may need. Increased amounts of Vitamin E are needed when polyunsaturated oils like DHA and EPA are consumed.

Carlson Labs, 超級DHA軟膠囊, 500 mg, 180粒








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