運動恢復配方-Cytosport, Inc, Monster Milk, Protein Supplement Mix, Chocolate, 4.8 lbs (2177 g)

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  • Prepare | Train | Recover

  • Cytosport Monster Series

  • 髮旺旺
  • Naturally and Artificially Flavored

  • 50 g Protein Per Serving

  • 3 g Creapure Creatine Monohydrate Per Serving
  • 髮旺旺

  • 125 mg Prohydrolase Digestive Enzymes Per Serving

  • NSF - Certified for Sport - Free of Banned Substances

  • Creapure

  • CarnoSyn - Carnosine Synthesizer

50 g Protein Per Serving

The proteins in Monster Milk Protein Supplement Mix can help facilitate muscle growth after exercise by enhancing muscle protein synthesis and inhibiting muscle protein breakdown.

NSF - Certified For Sport - Free of Banned Substances

NSF screens supplements for more than 200 substances banned by most major athletic organizations. The main components of NSF's certification program are label claim review, a toxicology review to certify the formulation and contaminant review to ensure against contaminants.


Patented protease enzymes can assist with the breakdown and digestion of proteins.

Monster is Sports Nutrition That Stands For:

Truth - Power - Life

What Do You Stand For?

We stand for truth, power and unyielding support of athletic lifestyles. This is our unwavering commitment to quality. A symbol to carry and support you before, during and after training or competition. Monster stands for Truth: fully disclosed nutritional ingredients and no proprietary blends; Power: efficacious formulations that enhance your performance; Life: inspiration you need to achieve your lifelong goals. Because truth is power, power is performance and performance changes lives.髮旺旺



Nutrient Summary Per Serving What Are You Getting? Check This Out...
50 g Total Protein

A source of both more slowly digested (casein) and rapidly digested (whey) proteins.
Total Protein From: 3 g Creapure

Creatine Monohydrate - Supports muscle mass and strength
15 g Whey Protein Isolate
15 g Milk Protein Isolate 1 g CarnoSyn

10 g Micellar Casein
5 g Whey Protein Concentrate 1 g Added L-Leucine - This amino acid helps stimulate muscle protein synthesis at the cellular level.
5 g Hydrolyzed Whey Peptides

Cytosport, Inc, Monster Milk, Protein Supplement Mix, Chocolate, 4.8 lbs (2177 g)







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